Friday 2 October 2009

Target Audience

Our chosen target audience for this product is Forty to Seventy year old male and females. Both of these different target audiences we intend to research and discover what sells and why. The results that we will collect from this evidential research will give us the ability to distribute a successful array of products.The reasoning for targeting different sex's is because we would like this product to be as successful as possible, and with both men and women involved the market for a re brand of a kettle will be much higher and gives us an opportunity to learn the different selling points within these two different categories.
A method of research we have undertaken is a discussion group, this shall ensure us a better overt all understanding of who we are addressing and how to co about amplifying on there needs and hailing our audience.


Our discussion group of 10 public ranging from 40-70 all showed a key interest into re branding something that everybody takes for granted. they gave us some simple house hold ideas as, a bed or a hoover.
Additionally our participants were interested in making a clear definition, dividing the old product and the new, they came up with speed, the Look, Feel and the efficiency.
This focus group really enabled us to decide for One, what product we could use and what would sell, Two, how to go about creating an advert and Three that the audience are looking for something new.. so to challenge ideas and conventions possibly.

Finally after talking to our target audience representatives, we decided after much deliberation to use re-invent the electric kettle.
Compared to the gas kettle and how electricity has made this massive impact on society bringing humour and nostalgia to our accomplishment. This is how we came up with our original initiation for the contrast in time era idea, because the target audience can warm to the concept and the ideas involved in the advertisement.

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