Monday 18 January 2010

The secondary advertisement was from a very different time period, the 1980s. Having this to compare with was very helpful and we can clearly see development in techniques


A point to bring up when concluding these adverts is that all use the comedy effect of chimps, this then means that there is no dialogue of the actors, because obviously chimps cant talk. So this therefore means that we can relate it to our advert and evaluate the voice overs in the PG tips advert. The different adverts have developed through the decades in means of language.

Compared to the 80s advertisement the 30s advertisement uses a more formal language, which shows us the changes that advertisements go through and how they have to adjust to culture.For example the 30s culture is entirely different to the 80s culture, in the fact that technology is much more developed and the people of our country have also changed. This means that the target audience also changes, which in turn will force the advertisements content and message to change dramatically.

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