Thursday 24 September 2009

Chosen Research Methodology

We have used the research method of a questionnaire out of a number of different methods because it is an effective way to demonstrate findings and understanding towards peoples different tastes and opinions.
There are two types of questionnaires, Open ended and closed, both of which can be used effectively dependent on the topic.
Questionnaires are very cost effective when compared to face-to-face interviews. This is especially true for studies involving large sample sizes and large geographic areas. Written questionnaires become even more cost effective as the number of research questions increases. However there are some critisisms that can be risen from a questionnaire such as someone that is biass or for them to be decitful, also an open ended questionnaire can be more difficult to gather results and statistics from as it is more opinion based.

Secondly questionnaires have a tendency to have a similar responses when approaching participants, as they are familiar to most people. Nearly everyone has had some experience completing questionnaires and they generally do not make people apprehensive.

Questionnaires are easily controlled and reduce bias, as the researcher in this case, myself, can randomly select participants.

Wednesday 23 September 2009




Do you enjoy watching television ?

What genre of adverts do you find most interesting?
- Home products
-Film trailers
-Programme trailers
-Website adverts
-Other…please state

Do you listen to the radio or watch television more?

What time do you like to watch television ?
9 and above

How many hours do you think you watch television a week?
10 and above

If you had sky, would you fast forward the adverts or do you enjoy watching them?

What colours appeal to you?
please state?

What is the most effective genre in your opinion in an advert ?
-Rom com
-realistic adverts
-other please state...
Thank you for participating.

Results from questionnaire

There were 40 participants in total.
The gender was divided equally to show more accurate results. 20 females, 20 males.

Which type of adverts are the most interesting?
Home products- 10/40
Film trailers-7/40
Soap's or Programme's-6/40

Preferred technology?

What time in the week do you like to watch television?
3-6 2/40
6-9 9/40
9 and above 29/40

How many hours a week do you think you watch television for?
All 40 people said 5-10 hours a week

Most effective colours?
65% said red and black.
and 35% saidanything bright.

Most effective genre for a television advert?
Romcom 3/40
Action 12/40
Comedy 18/40
Realistic 1/40
other 6/40

Analysis of results

The results that we have discovered brought to my attention that my hypothesis of ' Television adverts are more effective with bold bright colour's, they are very much dependent on the time of day they are broadcasted targeting a specific audience for there product'

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Researching Existing Conventions. Actors and actresses

As we studied existing advertisements we noticed that most of the adverts were chosen due to stereotypical factors, for example the way they look, age, are they cheesy/happy/ acting as if the camera is not there?
Is it a film trailer or do they use direct address to include and enhance the audience response.
When we chose4 our actor and actress for our add we shall consider these options to our target audience to make them feel that our product IS for them.

Lighting and effects

As we studied the lighting and effects of existing advertisements we noticed that it was all-dependent on a number of things.
- Mood
- Emphasis
- Time of day
- Product
- And when it was filmed, for example now/ black and white etc.

The lighting and effects is key to what kind of atmosphere we want to create.We will have to consider all of these elements and demonstrate an understanding of why and how they are used.


Most of the voiceovers we have studied have similar conventions.
Some of these conventions we should look closely at and absorb the tactics would be…
- Females with a soft well spoken tone
- Well spoken- defined as using the use of Standard English so everybody can relate to the product.
- Male voiceovers are strong and powerful normally with a bright or husky voice
- We have decided to include examples of this on our bloggs.
- I have found out that the sexier the voice the more likely you are to remember it, as sex sells according to top psychologists.
- Pronunciation must be definite and clear using the use of effective stresses on the highlighted and target words such as ‘BUY NOW’ or ‘call US on’