Wednesday 6 October 2010

Monday 18 January 2010

Other Advertisments

We are looking at advertisements that have a similar function as our advertisement will be to sell a product, looking at hot drink adverts gave us a good idea of our target audience and what times they most likely to be watching the television and what channels.

Adverts such as;

- Daz -PG tips -Tetley Tea -Coffee bean -Herbal organic teas

Advertisements for PG tips were very helpful in our research as they give us an incite into how these type of adverts were made and what different techniques we could use to get our selling point across. We found three separate adverts, all advertising PG tips, but all from very different decades.


Firstly, this advertisement was made in the mid 1930s and was one of the first PG tips advert ever made. The company of Brooke Bond advertises PG tips for the very first time in this link:

This advertisement was helpful as we could evaluate the different styles of the advertisement, for example it was made in black and white so this helped us greatly as half of our own advertisement will be in black and white also. They also used a voice over in the advert, this gave us a look into how a voice over is used, for instance when it is appropriate to use a voice over an what kind of language is sued dialogue in voice over. The next blog will talk about the second we found, we can compare these adverts in relation to our project, and see how the same product has developed due to `keeping with the times.`

The secondary advertisement was from a very different time period, the 1980s. Having this to compare with was very helpful and we can clearly see development in techniques


A point to bring up when concluding these adverts is that all use the comedy effect of chimps, this then means that there is no dialogue of the actors, because obviously chimps cant talk. So this therefore means that we can relate it to our advert and evaluate the voice overs in the PG tips advert. The different adverts have developed through the decades in means of language.

Compared to the 80s advertisement the 30s advertisement uses a more formal language, which shows us the changes that advertisements go through and how they have to adjust to culture.For example the 30s culture is entirely different to the 80s culture, in the fact that technology is much more developed and the people of our country have also changed. This means that the target audience also changes, which in turn will force the advertisements content and message to change dramatically.
The last PG tips advertisement was much more of a recent advert, screened in 2008. We can see the enormous difference between this advert and the advert of Brooke Bond in the 1930s, many variations such as the colour, the voice over, the settings and many more.


As we have said before that the language and dialect in the voice over is much more formal than the voice in more adverts of the product. Other evidence that has shown the development of the advert has been the more obvious factor of the technology of colour television coming to the UK, which revolutionised the way we live our lives.The makers of the advert have also changed the concept slightly, within staying with the comical factor of the monkey in the advert they have changed the monkey to a cuddle toy. We believe that this has been changed due to ethical issues of harming animals, in more recent times the respect for animals have been brought to light in as much more hard hitting way. In the 1930s there was little concern for the respect for animals, but have stopped using real monkeys in there advert.

Friday 2 October 2009

Target Audience

Our chosen target audience for this product is Forty to Seventy year old male and females. Both of these different target audiences we intend to research and discover what sells and why. The results that we will collect from this evidential research will give us the ability to distribute a successful array of products.The reasoning for targeting different sex's is because we would like this product to be as successful as possible, and with both men and women involved the market for a re brand of a kettle will be much higher and gives us an opportunity to learn the different selling points within these two different categories.
A method of research we have undertaken is a discussion group, this shall ensure us a better overt all understanding of who we are addressing and how to co about amplifying on there needs and hailing our audience.


Our discussion group of 10 public ranging from 40-70 all showed a key interest into re branding something that everybody takes for granted. they gave us some simple house hold ideas as, a bed or a hoover.
Additionally our participants were interested in making a clear definition, dividing the old product and the new, they came up with speed, the Look, Feel and the efficiency.
This focus group really enabled us to decide for One, what product we could use and what would sell, Two, how to go about creating an advert and Three that the audience are looking for something new.. so to challenge ideas and conventions possibly.

Finally after talking to our target audience representatives, we decided after much deliberation to use re-invent the electric kettle.
Compared to the gas kettle and how electricity has made this massive impact on society bringing humour and nostalgia to our accomplishment. This is how we came up with our original initiation for the contrast in time era idea, because the target audience can warm to the concept and the ideas involved in the advertisement.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Why the Kettle?

We are highlighting the first appearance of the Electric kettle because we feel that people take this product for granted. The Electric Kettle was a massive breakthrough and was brilliant for manufacturing institutions to promote this new exciting product.

Society wanted a product to be fast, easy, safe and cheaper than what already was available. This product cemented its self as an essential household item and is used all around the world, we wanted to accentuate something that had such a massive arrival into the household industry and reflect back using nostalgia to re-create the feeling our target audience one had.

Our main aim is to compare the old gas kettle with the new and improved electric kettle, the comparison shows the difference in efficiency between the two products. By creating a new brand, we intend to highlight and demonstrate the history of the product in our adverts. According to our study group, adverts are much more successful when they include humour. This makes it memorable to the viewer because it makes it more enjoyable, which will increase the chances of the viewer remembering it.


'Television Advertisements are more successful when humour is Incorporated into the sketch and production of the final product.'

Thursday 24 September 2009

Chosen Research Methodology

We have used the research method of a questionnaire out of a number of different methods because it is an effective way to demonstrate findings and understanding towards peoples different tastes and opinions.
There are two types of questionnaires, Open ended and closed, both of which can be used effectively dependent on the topic.
Questionnaires are very cost effective when compared to face-to-face interviews. This is especially true for studies involving large sample sizes and large geographic areas. Written questionnaires become even more cost effective as the number of research questions increases. However there are some critisisms that can be risen from a questionnaire such as someone that is biass or for them to be decitful, also an open ended questionnaire can be more difficult to gather results and statistics from as it is more opinion based.

Secondly questionnaires have a tendency to have a similar responses when approaching participants, as they are familiar to most people. Nearly everyone has had some experience completing questionnaires and they generally do not make people apprehensive.

Questionnaires are easily controlled and reduce bias, as the researcher in this case, myself, can randomly select participants.

Wednesday 23 September 2009




Do you enjoy watching television ?

What genre of adverts do you find most interesting?
- Home products
-Film trailers
-Programme trailers
-Website adverts
-Other…please state

Do you listen to the radio or watch television more?

What time do you like to watch television ?
9 and above

How many hours do you think you watch television a week?
10 and above

If you had sky, would you fast forward the adverts or do you enjoy watching them?

What colours appeal to you?
please state?

What is the most effective genre in your opinion in an advert ?
-Rom com
-realistic adverts
-other please state...
Thank you for participating.

Results from questionnaire

There were 40 participants in total.
The gender was divided equally to show more accurate results. 20 females, 20 males.

Which type of adverts are the most interesting?
Home products- 10/40
Film trailers-7/40
Soap's or Programme's-6/40

Preferred technology?

What time in the week do you like to watch television?
3-6 2/40
6-9 9/40
9 and above 29/40

How many hours a week do you think you watch television for?
All 40 people said 5-10 hours a week

Most effective colours?
65% said red and black.
and 35% saidanything bright.

Most effective genre for a television advert?
Romcom 3/40
Action 12/40
Comedy 18/40
Realistic 1/40
other 6/40

Analysis of results

The results that we have discovered brought to my attention that my hypothesis of ' Television adverts are more effective with bold bright colour's, they are very much dependent on the time of day they are broadcasted targeting a specific audience for there product'

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Researching Existing Conventions. Actors and actresses

As we studied existing advertisements we noticed that most of the adverts were chosen due to stereotypical factors, for example the way they look, age, are they cheesy/happy/ acting as if the camera is not there?
Is it a film trailer or do they use direct address to include and enhance the audience response.
When we chose4 our actor and actress for our add we shall consider these options to our target audience to make them feel that our product IS for them.

Lighting and effects

As we studied the lighting and effects of existing advertisements we noticed that it was all-dependent on a number of things.
- Mood
- Emphasis
- Time of day
- Product
- And when it was filmed, for example now/ black and white etc.

The lighting and effects is key to what kind of atmosphere we want to create.We will have to consider all of these elements and demonstrate an understanding of why and how they are used.


Most of the voiceovers we have studied have similar conventions.
Some of these conventions we should look closely at and absorb the tactics would be…
- Females with a soft well spoken tone
- Well spoken- defined as using the use of Standard English so everybody can relate to the product.
- Male voiceovers are strong and powerful normally with a bright or husky voice
- We have decided to include examples of this on our bloggs.
- I have found out that the sexier the voice the more likely you are to remember it, as sex sells according to top psychologists.
- Pronunciation must be definite and clear using the use of effective stresses on the highlighted and target words such as ‘BUY NOW’ or ‘call US on’